00 Introduction¶
From this tutorial, you can learn how to calculate NH3 with JDFT ansatz starting from a pySCF calculation by turbo-genius
. You can download all the input and output files from here
01 PySCF calculation and its conversion to a TREXIO file¶
Run a PySCF calculation.
# pyscf calculation
cd 00pyscf_to_trexio
python pyscf_NH3.py
The Python code is:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# pySCF -> pyscf checkpoint file (NH3 molecule)
# load python packages
import os, sys
# load ASE modules
from ase.io import read
# load pyscf packages
from pyscf import gto, scf, mp, tools
#open boundary condition
scf_method="HF" # HF or DFT
dft_xc="LDA_X,LDA_C_PZ" # XC for DFT
print(f"structure file = {structure_file}")
# read a structure
for chemical_symbol, position in zip(chemical_symbols, positions):
mol_string+="{:s} {:.10f} {:.10f} {:.10f} \n".format(chemical_symbol, position[0], position[1], position[2])
# build a molecule
mol = gto.Mole()
mol.atom = mol_string
mol.verbose = 5
mol.output = pyscf_output
mol.unit = 'A' # angstrom
mol.charge = charge
mol.spin = spin
mol.symmetry = False
# basis set
mol.basis = basis
# define ecp
mol.ecp = ecp
# molecular build
mol.build(cart=False) # cart = False => use spherical basis!!
# calc type setting
print(f"scf_method = {scf_method}") # HF/DFT
if scf_method == "HF":
# HF calculation
if mol.spin == 0:
print("HF kernel = RHF")
mf = scf.RHF(mol)
mf.chkfile = checkpoint_file
print("HF kernel = ROHF")
mf = scf.ROHF(mol)
mf.chkfile = checkpoint_file
elif scf_method == "DFT":
# DFT calculation
if mol.spin == 0:
print("DFT kernel = RKS")
mf = scf.KS(mol).density_fit()
mf.chkfile = checkpoint_file
print("DFT kernel = ROKS")
mf = scf.ROKS(mol)
mf.chkfile = checkpoint_file
mf.xc = dft_xc
raise NotImplementedError
total_energy = mf.kernel()
# HF/DFT energy
print(f"Total HF/DFT energy = {total_energy}")
print("HF/DFT calculation is done.")
print("PySCF calculation is done.")
print(f"checkpoint file = {checkpoint_file}")
You can convert the generated PySCF checkpoint file to a TREXIO file
# pyscf chkfile to TREXIO
trexio convert-from -t pyscf -i NH3.chk -b hdf5 NH3.hdf5
02 From TREXIO file to TurboRVB WF¶
cd ../01trexio_to_turborvbwf/
cp ../00pyscf_to_trexio/NH3.hdf5 .
trexio-to-turborvb NH3.hdf5 -jasbasis cc-pVDZ -jascutbasis
If you want to specify Jastrow basis set, you can use the following python script to convert the TREXIO file.
cd ../01trexio_to_turborvbwf/
cp ../00pyscf_to_trexio/NH3.hdf5 .
vi trexio_turborvb_wf_converter.py # define your Jastrow basis
python trexio_turborvb_wf_converter.py
The Python code is:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# load python packages
import os, sys
# load turbogenius module
from turbogenius.trexio_to_turborvb import trexio_to_turborvb_wf
from turbogenius.trexio_wrapper import Trexio_wrapper_r
from turbogenius.pyturbo.basis_set import Jas_Basis_sets
# TREXIO file
# Jastrow basis (GAMESS format)
S 1
1 10.210000 1.000000
S 1
1 3.838000 1.000000
S 1
1 0.746600 1.000000
P 1
1 0.797300 1.000000
S 1
1 1.9620000 1.000000
S 1
1 0.4446000 1.000000
S 1
1 0.1220000 1.000000
# Generage jastrow basis set list
trexio_r = Trexio_wrapper_r(
jastrow_basis_list = [
for element in trexio_r.labels_r
jas_basis_sets = (
jastrow_basis_list, format="gamess"
# Convert the TREXIO file to TurboRVB WF.
03 JDFT ansatz - Jastrow optimization¶
One should refer to the Hydrogen tutorial for the details. Here, only needed commands are shown.
cd ../02optimization/
cp ../01trexio_to_turborvbwf/fort.10 fort.10
cp ../01trexio_to_turborvbwf/pseudo.dat ./
cp fort.10 fort.10_pyscf
turbogenius vmcopt -g -opt_onebody -opt_twobody -opt_jas_mat -optimizer lr -vmcoptsteps 300 -steps 100
# on a local machine (serial version)
turborvb-serial.x < datasmin.input > out_min
# on a local machine (parallel version)
mpirun -np XX turborvb-mpi.x < datasmin.input > out_min
# on a cluster machine (PBS)
qsub submit.sh
# on a cluster machine (Slurm)
sbatch submit.sh
turbogenius vmcopt -post -optwarmup 280 -plot
04 JDFT ansatz - VMC¶
cd ../03vmc/
cp ../02optimization/fort.10 fort.10
cp ../02optimization/pseudo.dat .
turbogenius vmc -g -step 1000
# on a local machine (serial version)
turborvb-serial.x < datasvmc.input > out_vmc
# on a local machine (parallel version)
mpirun -np XX turborvb-mpi.x < datasvmc.input > out_vmc
# on a cluster machine (PBS)
qsub submit.sh
# on a cluster machine (Slurm)
sbatch submit.sh
turbogenius vmc -post -bin 10 -warmup 3
05 JDFT ansatz - LRDMC¶
# LRDMC run
cd ../04lrdmc/alat_0.20/
cp ../../03vmc/fort.10 ./
cp ../../03vmc/pseudo.dat .
turbogenius lrdmc -g -etry -11.70 -alat -0.20 -step 1000
# on a local machine (serial version)
turborvb-serial.x < datasfn.input > out_fn
# on a local machine (parallel version)
mpirun -np XX turborvb-mpi.x < datasfn.input > out_fn # parallel version
# on a cluster machine (PBS)
qsub submit.sh
# on a cluster machine (Slurm)
sbatch submit.sh
turbogenius lrdmc -bin 20 -corr 3 warmup 5