Installation of packages

TurboRVB installation

Please download the source codes from the GitHub repository.

% cd ~
% mkdir applications
% git clone
% cd ~/applications/turborvb

Let’s compile and test TurboRVB

% cd ~/applications/turborvb
% module load cmake    # depending on your env.
% cmake -S . -B build
% cd build
% make -j 4
% ctest

Copy the compiled binaries to bin/ directory

% cd ~/applications/turborvb
% cp build/*.x bin/

Please add a PATH to the turborvb/bin directory to your environment

% # e.g., for bash
% echo PATH=$HOME/applications/turborvb/bin:'$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
% source ~/.bashrc

Check if it works

% which turborvb-serial.x

You can see available options for the CMake in the GitHub repository.

TurboGenius installation

Let’s make a conda environment to install turbogenius (if you prefer)

conda create -n turborvb python==3.8
conda activate turborvb

Please download the source codes from the GitHub repository.

% cd ~/applications
% git clone

Let’s install turbogenius via pip

% cd turbogenius
% pip install -e .

Test if it works.

% turbogenius --help

If you see an output from the helper, TurboRVB and TurboGenius have been successfully compiled on your machine!