Initializations of Wavefunctions¶
External quantum chemistry and DFT codes (Gaussian, GAMESS, and pySCF)¶
You can use external quantum chemistry and DFT codes such as Gaussian, GAMESS, and pySCF to generate a trail wavefunction. Please refer to the TurboGenius tutorial [].
Built-in DFT code (prep.x)¶
In this section, we describe the INPUT file that controls DFT calculation. The input file is built using Fortran namelists. Keywords are divided into different sections according to their meanings.
Simulation section¶
The sections and the main parameters are listed and shortly described in the following. Keywords that are not required can be omitted in the input file: they will assume a default value.
Parameter |
Datatype |
Default |
Description |
itest4 |
NA |
NA |
iopt |
NA |
NA |
Pseudo section¶
Parameter |
Datatype |
Default |
Description |
NA |
NA |
Number of integer points for pseudopotential if present. |
NA |
NA |
Use a random integration mesh for pseudo with the algorithm for QMC by R. Fahy. |
NA |
NA |
Multiplication factor for the number of pseudo integration points.
Note that, use |
Optimization section¶
Parameter |
Datatype |
Default |
Description |
NA |
NA |
Do not change this value, as DFT works with molecular orbitals only. |
Readio section¶
parameter name |
datatype |
default |
description |
writescratch |
NA |
NA |
Parameters section¶
Parameter |
Datatype |
Default |
Description |
NA |
NA |
If |
NA |
NA |
Set it to |
NA |
NA |
Real space cutoff for the periodic basis set (keyword PBC_C in the first record of the wave function fort.10). Note that, if DFT energy is different from what is expected, then try decreasing the cutoff. |
Molecule section¶
parameter name |
datatype |
default |
description |
nx |
NA |
NA |
Number of lattice points for the real space integration grid in the x direction. By default, |
ax |
NA |
NA |
Space (a.u.) for an open system in the x direction; for periodic systems, it is chosen as the cell parameter in the same direction and need not be specified. By default, |
nbufd |
NA |
NA |
Input value for the buffer dimension. Note that, in the complex code, the buffer dimension is automatically doubled. In this case, consider decreasing the buffer dimension if you have a memory problem. |
Kpoints section¶
parameter name |
datatype |
default |
description |
kp_type |
NA |
NA |
This integer specifies the type of k-points which will be chosen in the calculation.
nk1, nk2, nk3 |
NA |
NA |
Meanings depend on the value of |
k1, k2, k3 |
NA |
NA |
For |
Additional information:
Monkhorst-Pack mesh:
&kpoints kp_type=1 nk1=4 nk2=4 nk3=4 skip_equivalence=.false. double_kpgrid=.true.
User-defined k-points are written in the following manner.
denotes the weight corresponding to the kpointxkp(:,i)
if the total weight is different from one.:wkp(i) is the weight corresponding to the the kpoint xkp(:,i). ! NB: if the total weight is different from on ! xkp(1,1) xkp(2,1) xkp(3,1) wkp(1) ! xkp(1,2) xkp(2,2) xkp(3,2) wkp(2) ! ...... KPOINTS 0.1667 0.1667 0.5000 0.5 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5 # blank line and after k-points for spin down electrons -0.1667 -0.1667 -0.5000 0.5 -0.5000 -0.5000 -0.5000 0.5
DFT section¶
Parameter Name |
Datatype |
Default |
Description |
contracted_on |
NA |
NA |
If |
maxit |
NA |
NA |
Maximum number of iterations in the self-consistent cycle. |
epsdft |
NA |
NA |
Tolerance in the convergence of total energy. |
typeopt |
NA |
NA |
mixing |
NA |
NA |
Choose a small value for better convergence. If even in this way it does not converge, switch on the smearing technique
setting |
mixingder (abbr) |
NA |
NA |
tfcut |
NA |
NA |
Used only with |
orthodiag |
NA |
NA |
maxold |
NA |
NA |
The number of previous iterations to be considered in the numerical evaluation of Jacobian with |
typedft |
NA |
NA |
weightvh |
NA |
NA |
Weight of the hartree potential. Setting |
weightxc |
NA |
NA |
Weight of the exchange energy. When |
weightcorr |
NA |
NA |
Weight of the correlation energy, e.g. |
optocc |
NA |
NA |
epsshell |
NA |
NA |
Spread of the Fermi distribution used when |
memlarge |
NA |
NA |
Optimize speed at the cost of much greater memory requirements. The whole basis set is saved on disk! |
epsover |
NA |
NA |
Minimum tolerance for the lowest eigenvalues of the overlap matrix. If |
mincond |
NA |
NA |
Disregard the first |
maxcg |
NA |
NA |
With |
bands |
NA |
NA |
The number of lowest eigenvalues of Khon-Sham equations to be evaluated. By default |
nelocc |
NA |
NA |
If |
neloccdo |
NA |
NA |
It is similar to |
randspin |
NA |
NA |
Used for initializing magnetization. If |
jaccond |
NA |
NA |
Minimum threshold for the condition matrix in the self-consistent approach |
nxs nys nzs |
NA |
NA |
Dimension of the grid where the magnetization is defined along the x, y, z direction. The format is written below. |
h_field |
NA |
NA |
If |
optimize_overs |
NA |
NA |
If |
write_den |
NA |
NA |
If |
zero_jas |
NA |
NA |
If |
fix_density |
NA |
NA |
If the flag |
Additional information:
Dimension of the grid where the magnetization is defined along the x, y, z direction: The format is
! After "/" or "occupation list" ! # empty line ! s111 s211 s311 ... snxs11 ! s121 s221 s321 ... snxs11 ! s1nys1 ... ... ... snxsnys1 ! # empty line ! s112 s212 s312 ... snxs12 ! ... ! # empty line ! s11nzs s21nzs s31nzs ... snxs1nzs ! ... ! s1nysnzs ... ... ... snxsnysnzs